Real Husbands of Hollywood – JB Smooth & Haqq Sisters

Photo / Hero Art Prop Paintings

Role : Creative Director, Photographer

For the show "Real Husbands of Hollywood," JB Smooth wanted to make the ultimate couple photo. Without hesitation, we said let’s transform you into a centaur as your wife rides you into battle. I took charge of both the shooting and creative direction, capturing the mesmerizing transformation from human to centaur. Additionally, the Haqq Sisters had a distinct request —they wanted timeless, alluring photos of themselves for their husbands' nightstands. Our response? A resounding yes. As we embarked on this photographic journey, it was more than just clicking a camera; it was about capturing the timeless beauty of the Haqq Sisters. Their natural allure made the process seamless, and the results stand as a testament to their captivating presence.

JB Smooth and Shahidah Omar

Hero Photos

Malika Haqq and khadijah haqq

Hero Photos